The Road to Korea – Packing Tips

Hey everyone! As you know, I have been placed in Daejeon, South Korea for October 2017 intake!

My flight lands Sunday night and I finally have everything I need to travel in peace. So, here is what I’m packing based on luggage and what I’ve heard.

Personal Item Bag

Check with your airline to see what kind of personal item bag you can bring on the flight with you. I am packing a backpack I picked up from Academy Sports since all of my other backpacks I’ve accumulated throughout the years are either too big or don’t have enough protection going on with it. 

In the bag:
Cameras (I haven’t tested if both of mine will safely fit in the bag. we will see)
Chargers – this includes travel adapters (plugs in Korea don’t look the same). I have way too many of these so I’ve let other friends borrow the adapters for when they go to other countries. 
Cellphones – I’m bringing my unlocked one and locked one because I don’t have a Korean number yet and I can’t use KakaoTalk on the new phone without an active number yet. 
Important documents (my teaching certificate and what not)
Flushable wet wipes
Water bottle
Travel pillow
Some toiletries I’ll need to use on the plane

Basically anything you need immediate access to, goes in the personal item bag

Carry-On Luggage

I packed two weeks worth of clothing into my carry-on. Two weeks meaning, I packed items I can layer and mix and match into the carry-on. Number of each items don’t matter here, except the underwear. Weight limit matters as well.

I will be in Korea a week before training. So, another week of clothing is necessary. However, I would have packed a week and a half if I were just coming right before training, for emergency clothing. I also packed toiletries and shower shoes (since I may end up in a Korean style shower).

Checked Luggage

 I’m bringing two checked suitcases with me. I originally only wanted to bring one and then I remembered my video game systems. I want to bring my PlayStation 4, so I needed another suitcase to not exceed the weight limit. 

In suitcase one: 
The rest of the clothes I do wear are packed into a large compressed bag
A small painting a friend gave me
The rest of my bras (not compressed) – I heard it’s harder to find bras when you get into the larger sizes. So if you are past a C, bring as many bras as you think you will need. I heard shops like 8Seconds and Uniqlo have bras in bigger sizes if you get placed in a bigger city. 
Hair products – I’m black and my hair is natural. I was told you can’t find black hair care products in Korea, which makes sense. Most Koreans do not have kinky, curly hair. 
Extra deodorant – they have it. It’s just expensive.
One full sized towel – they have them, but this one is for orientation.

In suitcase two: 
PlayStation 4
Cords and extra chargers and adapters
Games for PS4
My big winter coat (this was going to be worn on the plane, but the weather is currently sitting in the 70s in Korea)
Shoes I actually wear. My shoe size varies between an 8-10 and in Korea the shoe size stops at 8 and bigger sizes are harder to find. I heard Uniqlo might have some things, but you never know.
I packed 1 sneakers, 1 converse, 1 flats, 1 booties, 1 pair of boots, 1 rain boots (I have combat boots as well, but I plan to wear those on the plane since they are my heaviest pair of shoes. I may change my mind last minute).
I also packed a few non-essential items that didn’t take up much weight in the carry on. 

I wanted to pack the candles I ordered from Bookish Aromas on Etsy but it looks like they won’t be in by the time I fly out. If they were, they would have gone into suite case two. 

That’s all I can remember. I probably packed more things. 

Until next time, 

Tiara “Kikyo” Giles 




2 thoughts on “The Road to Korea – Packing Tips

  1. rainydaejeon says:

    This was really helpful! I’ll definitely bookmark it for future reference. By the way, if you start to run low on hair products, you can always order online. I heard that there’s a natural hair product shop in Itaewon somewhere too! I can see myself stopping by like once a month haha

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